30 Mayıs 2022 Pazartesi

SpringMVC HandlerExceptionResolver Arayüzü - Yeni Sayfaya Yönlendirir

Şu satırı dahil ederiz
import org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerExceptionResolver;
Exception döndürmek için 3 yöntem var
- @ControllerAdvice + @ExceptionHandler : Global Exception handling yapar
- HandlerExceptionResolver
- ResponseStatusException
Bu sınıf direkt ResponseStatusException fırlatmaktan daha iyi, çünkü merkezi bir noktadan Exception'lar kontrol edilebilir. Bu sınıf yerine @ControllerAdvice veya @ExceptionHandler kullanılabilir.

Filtrelerden Kullanmak
Şöyle yaparız
public class AuthorizationFilter extends BasicAuthenticationFilter {
  private final HandlerExceptionResolver exceptionResolver;

  public AuthorizationFilter(AuthenticationManager authenticationManager, 
                             HandlerExceptionResolver exceptionResolver) {
    this.exceptionResolver = exceptionResolver;

  protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, 
                                  HttpServletResponse response, 
                                  FilterChain chain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
    try {
     } catch (ExpiredJwtException e) {
       exceptionResolver.resolveException(request, response, null, e);
Şöyle yaparız
class RestResponseStatusExceptionResolver implements HandlerExceptionResolver {

  public ModelAndView resolveException(HttpServletRequest request, 
                                       HttpServletResponse response, 
                                       Object object, 
                                       Exception exception) {
    ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView();
    model.setView(new MappingJackson2JsonView());
    model.addObject("exception", exception.getMessage());
    return model;

public class WebMvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {

  public void configureHandlerExceptionResolvers(
    List<HandlerExceptionResolver> resolvers) {
    resolvers.add(0, new RestResponseStatusExceptionResolver());
HTTP cevabı şöyledir
  "serviceDownTimeException": {
    "cause": null,
    "stackTrace": [],
    "localizedMessage": "1-2 AM is service downtime!",
    "message": "1-2 AM is service downtime!",
    "suppressed": []

SpringMVC ResponseStatusException Sınıfı

Şu satırı dahil ederiz
import org.springframework.web.server.ResponseStatusException;
Bu sınıfın iki kullanım yöntemi var
1. Servis kodundan fırlatılır ve istemciye kadar gitmesine izin verilir
2. Servis kodundan fırlatılır ve @ExceptionHandler(ResponseStatusException.class) ile yakalanarak bir exception sonucu nesnesine çevrilir.

Ancak bu iki yöntem yerine şu yöntem tercih edilebilir. Açıklaması şöyle
This exception can even be used at the service level and that approach can help you in terms of the number of exceptions you are creating. But as you can probably guess by now it is not a good solution for unified exception handling compared to ControllerAdvice or HandlerExceptionResolver.
Şöyle yaparız
public class StudentRestController {

  StudentService studentService;

  public ResponseEntity<Student> getUser(
    @PathVariable(name = "id", required = false) Long id  ) {
    Student student;
    try {
      student = studentService.findStudentById(null);
    } catch (InvalidIdException e) {
      throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, 
        e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (ServiceDownTimeException e) {
      throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 
        e.getMessage(), e);
    return ResponseEntity
HTTP sonucu şöyle
  "timestamp": "2022-05-20T19:17:54.442+00:00",
  "status": 503,
  "error": "Service Unavailable",
  "message": "1-2 AM is service downtime!",
  "path": "/api/v1/student/1"
Örnek - Kalıtım
Şöyle yaparız
public class NoSuchElementFoundException extends ResponseStatusException {

  public NoSuchElementFoundException(String message){
    super(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, message);

  public HttpHeaders getResponseHeaders() {
      // return response headers
getStatusCode metodu
Spring 3 ile ResponseStatusException -> getStatus() metodu yerine getStatusCode() metodu geldi

Şöyle yaparız
@ExceptionHandler(ResponseStatusException.class) public ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse> handleNotFound(ResponseStatusException exception) { final ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(); // errorResponse.setHttpStatus(exception.getStatus().value()); errorResponse.setHttpStatus(exception.getStatusCode().value()); errorResponse.setException(exception.getClass().getSimpleName()); errorResponse.setMessage(exception.getMessage()); // return new ResponseEntity<>(errorResponse, exception.getStatus()); return new ResponseEntity<>(errorResponse, exception.getStatusCode()); }

29 Mayıs 2022 Pazar

SpringData JpaRepository İle JpaSpecification - Karmaşık Select Sorguları İçindir

Şu satırı dahil ederiz
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaSpecificationExecutor; import org.springframework.data.jpa.domain.Specification;
Açıklaması şöyle. Dynamic DB Query içindir
JPA 2 introduces a criteria API that you can use to build queries programmatically. By writing a criteria, you define the where clause of a query for a domain class. Taking another step back, these criteria can be regarded as a predicate over the entity that is described by the JPA criteria API constraints.

Spring Data JPA takes the concept of a specification from Eric Evans' book, “Domain Driven Design”, following the same semantics and providing an API to define such specifications with the JPA criteria API. To support specifications, you can extend your repository interface with the JpaSpecificationExecutor interface
Specification Neden Lazım
Bir sürü isteğe bağlı parametre alan bir sorgumuz 

SQL ile şöyle yaparız. Her parametre isteğe bağlı olduğu için coalesce ile kullanmak gerekiyor.
@Query( "select * from user u left outer join education_detail e on u.id = e.user_id where (coalesce(:userStatuses) is null or (u.userStatus in (:userStatuses))) and (coalesce(:ageGreaterThanOrEqualTo) is null or (u.age >= (:ageGreaterThanOrEqualTo))) and (coalesce(:gradeGreaterThanOrEqualTo) is null or (e.grade in (:gradeGreaterThanOrEqualTo)))") List<User> findAllUsers( List<String> userStatuses, Integer ageGreaterThanOrEqualTo, Double gradeGreaterThanOrEqualTo );
Derived query ile şöyle yaparız
List<User> findByUserStatusIn(List<String> userStatuses); List<User> findByUserStatusInAndAgeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(List<String> userStatuses, Integer ageGreaterThanOrEqualTo); List<User>findByUserStatusInAndAgeGreaterThanOrEqualToAndGradeGreaterThanOrEqualTo( List<String> userStatuses, Integer ageGreaterThanOrEqualTo, Double gradeGreaterThanOrEqualTo);
Her ikisi de karışık çözümler

Bunun yerine org.springframework.data.jpa.domain.Specification arayüzünden kalıtan bir sınıf yazıyoruz. Sınıf şöyle
static Specification<User> userStatusesIn(List<String> userStatuses) { return (root, query, builder) -> { if(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(userStatuses)){ return builder.conjunction(); } return root.get(User_.status).in(userStatuses); }; }
Böylece şu SQL otomatik üretiliyor.
where (coalesce(:userStatuses) is null or (u.userStatus in (:userStatuses)))

Repository Tanımlama
Repository kodu artık şöyle oluyor
public interface CustomerRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Customer> { … }
Bu arayüz ile gelen metodlar  şöyle
public interface JpaSpecificationExecutor<T> { Optional<T> findOne(@Nullable Specification<T> spec); List<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> spec); Page<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> spec, Pageable pageable); List<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> spec, Sort sort); long count(@Nullable Specification<T> spec); }
Specification Tanımlama
and(), not(), or(), toPredicate(), where() metodları var. Amacımız bir Specification nesnesi yaratıp bunu Repository nesnesinin findX() metodlarından birisine geçmek

toPredicate metodu
İmzası şöyle. Diğer metodlar ya default ya da static ancak eğer Specification arayüzünden kalıtırsak bu metodu kodlamak gerekiypr
public interface Specification<T> { Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder); }
Örnek - Builder Kullanan Specification
Servis sınıfımız şöyle olsun
@Autowired private EmployeeRepository employeeRepo; @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<EmployeeVO> listEmployeesUsingSpecification(int page, int pageSize, String sortField, Sort.Direction sortDirection, LocalDate birthDate, LocalDate hireDate, String title, Integer salary, String searchTerm) { Pageable pageable = pageable(page, pageSize, sortField, sortDirection); Specification<Employee> spec = EmployeeSpecification.builder() .birthDate(birthDate) .hireDate(hireDate) .salary(salary) .title(title) .searchTerm(searchTerm) .build(); Page<Employee> employees = employeeRepo.findAll(spec, pageable); return employees.stream() .map(EmployeeMapper::map) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private Pageable pageable(int page, int pageSize, String sortField, Direction sortDirection) { return PageRequest.of(page, pageSize, sortDirection, sortField); }
Builder kullanan Specification için şöyle yaparız
@Data @Builder public class EmployeeSpecification implements Specification<Employee> { private static final LocalDate CURRENTLY_ACTIVE_ENTRY = LocalDate.of(9999, 1, 1); private LocalDate birthDate; private LocalDate hireDate; private Integer salary; private String title; private String searchTerm; @Override public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Employee> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) { Predicate birthDatePred = ofNullable(birthDate) .map(b -> equals(cb, root.get("birthDate"), birthDate)) .orElse(null); Predicate hireDatePred = ofNullable(hireDate) .map(h -> equals(cb, root.get("hireDate"), hireDate)) .orElse(null); Predicate salaryPred = salaryPredicate(root, cb); Predicate titlePred = titlePredicate(root, cb); if (nonNull(salaryPred) || nonNull(titlePred)) { query.distinct(true); } Predicate searchPred = null; if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(searchTerm)) { Predicate firstNamePred = like(cb, root.get("firstName"), searchTerm); Predicate lastNamePred = like(cb, root.get("lastName"), searchTerm); searchPred = cb.or(firstNamePred, lastNamePred); } List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>(); ofNullable(birthDatePred).ifPresent(predicates::add); ofNullable(hireDatePred).ifPresent(predicates::add); ofNullable(salaryPred).ifPresent(predicates::add); ofNullable(titlePred).ifPresent(predicates::add); ofNullable(searchPred).ifPresent(predicates::add); return cb.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()])); } private Predicate salaryPredicate(Root<Employee> root, CriteriaBuilder cb) { if (isNull(salary)) { return null; } Join<Employee, Title> salaryJoin = root.join("salaries", JoinType.INNER); int salaryLow = Double.valueOf(salary * 0.9).intValue(); int salaryHigh = Double.valueOf(salary * 1.1).intValue(); return cb.and( between(cb, salaryJoin.get("salary"), salaryLow, salaryHigh), equals(cb, salaryJoin.get("to"), CURRENTLY_ACTIVE_ENTRY)); } private Predicate titlePredicate(Root<Employee> root, CriteriaBuilder cb) { if (isAllBlank(title)) { return null; } Join<Employee, Title> titleJoin = root.join("titles", JoinType.INNER); return cb.and( like(cb, titleJoin.get("title"), title), equals(cb, titleJoin.get("to"), CURRENTLY_ACTIVE_ENTRY)); } private Predicate equals(CriteriaBuilder cb, Path<Object> field, Object value) { return cb.equal(field, value); } private Predicate like(CriteriaBuilder cb, Path<String> field, String searchTerm) { return cb.like(cb.lower(field), "%" + searchTerm.toLowerCase() + "%"); } private Predicate between(CriteriaBuilder cb, Path<Integer> field, int min, int max) { return cb.between(field, min, max); } }
Örnek - in + greaterThanOrEqualTo + join
FilterDTO şöyle olsun
public class FilterDTO { List<UserStatus> userStatuses; Integer ageGreaterThanOrEqualTo; Double gradeGreaterThanOrEqualTo; }
Specification şöyle olsun
public static Specification<User> createSpecification(FilterDTO filter){ return userStatusesIn(filter.getUserStatusIn()) .ageGte(filter.getAgeGreaterThanOrEqualTo()) .gradeGte(filter.getGradeGreaterThanOrEqualTo()) } private static Specification<User> userStatusesIn(List<String> userStatuses) { return (root, query, builder) -> { if(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(userStatuses)){ return builder.conjunction(); } return root.get(User_.status).in(userStatuses); }; } private static Specification<User> ageGte(Integer ageGte) { return (root, query, builder) -> { if(Objects.isNull(ageGte)){ return builder.conjunction(); } return builder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(root.get(User_.age), ageGte); }; } private static Specification<User> gradeGte(Integer gradeGte) { return (root, query, builder) -> { if(Objects.isNull(gradeGte)){ return builder.conjunction(); } Join<User, EducationDetail> userEducationDetailJoin = root.join(User_.educationDetail); return builder.greaterThanOrEqualTo( userEducationDetailJoin.get(EducationDetail_.grade), gradeGte); }; }
Repository şöyle olsun. Burada N+1 Select problemi için @EntittyGraph kullanılıyor.
@Repository public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User,UUID>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> { @EntityGraph( type = EntityGraphType.FETCH, attributePaths = { "educationDetail" } ) List<User> findAll(Specification<User> specification); }
Örnek - lessThan + like + between + equal
Repository şöyle olsun
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaSpecificationExecutor; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; @Repository public interface CommentRepository extends JpaRepository <Comment, UUID>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Comment> { Optional<Page<Comment>> findAllByUserId(String userId, Pageable page); Page<Comment> findAll(Specification<Comment> specification, Pageable page); List<Comment> findAll(Specification<Comment> specification); Page<Comment> findAll(Pageable page); List<Comment> findAll(); }
Specification yaratan kodlar şöyle olsun. Burada her şeyi birleştiren kod conditionalSearchForUser()
@Component public class CommentSpecification { public Specification<Comment> isLongTermUser() { return (root, query, cb) -> cb.lessThan( root.get("createdDate"), LocalDate.of(2020, 01, 01) .atStartOfDay( ZoneId.of("Australia/Sydney") ) .toInstant() ); } public Specification<Comment> commentLike (String searchText) { return (root, query, cb) -> cb.like( root.get("description"), "%"+ searchText + "%" ); } public Specification<Comment> createdBetween ( Instant fromDate, Instant toDate) { return (root, query, cb) -> cb.between( root.get("createdDate"), fromDate, toDate ); } public Specification<Comment> byUser ( String userId) { return (root, query, cb) -> cb.equal( root.get("userId"), userId ); } public Specification<Comment> conditionalSearchForUser( String searchText, Instant fromDate, Instant toDate, String userId, boolean checkIsLongTermUser ) { Specification spec = null; spec = where(byUser(userId)); if(checkIsLongTermUser == true) spec = spec.and(isLongTermUser()); if(searchText!=null && !searchText.isBlank()) spec = spec.and(commentLike(searchText)); if(fromDate!= null && !fromDate.isBlank() && toDate!= null && !toDate.isBlank()) { spec = spec.and( createdBetween( LocalDate.parse(fromDate).atStartOfDay( ZoneId.of("Australia/Sydney") ) .toInstant(), LocalDate.parse(toDate).atStartOfDay( ZoneId.of("Australia/Sydney") ) .toInstant() ) ); } return spec; } }
Şöyle yaparız. Burada Specificaiton + Page kullanılıyor
commentRepository.findAll( commentSpecification.conditionalSearchForUser( searchText, fromDate, toDate, userId, checkIsLongTermUser), page);
Örnek - like + join
Specification kodlarımız şöyle olsun
static Specification<Insurance> withTripSource(@Nullable String source) {
  return (root, cq, cb) -> title == null ? null : 
    cb.like(cb.lower(root.join("trip", JoinType.LEFT).get("source")), 
            cb.lower(cb.literal("%" + source + "%")));
Şöyle yaparız
public interface InsuranceRepository extends JpaRepository<Insurance, UUID>,
JpaSpecificationExecutor<Insurance> {
Kullanmak için şöyle yaparız
Specification<Insurance> specs = Specification

Pageable paging = PageRequest.of(page, size);
return insuranceRepository.findAll(specs, paging);

26 Mayıs 2022 Perşembe

SpringBatch application.properties Ayarları

Şöyle yaparız
Şöyle yaparız
Açıklaması şöyle
If we don't use this property and start the application, the application will complain Table batch_job_instance doesn't exist.

To avoid this error, we are basically telling to create batch job-related metadata during startup. This property will create additional database tables in your database like batch_job_execution, batch_job_execution_context, batch_job_execution_params, batch_job_instance etc.

16 Mayıs 2022 Pazartesi

SpringWebFlux ve AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler Sınıfı - Global Exception Handling

Açıklaması şöyle
The custom exception system provided in SpringMVC doesn’t work in Spring-WebFlux for the simple reason that the underlying runtime containers are not the same. WebExceptionHandler is the top-level interface to the exception handler of Spring-WebFlux,
Açıklaması şöyle
This class extends the AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler class provided by the spring and custom implements the handling of the Global Exception. @Order(-2) is used to give a priority boost to the component that the Spring Boot class DefaultErrorWebExceptionHandler which is of Order(-1) priority.
Şöyle yaparız
public class GlobalErrorWebExceptionHandler extends AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler {

    public GlobalErrorWebExceptionHandler(GlobalErrorAttributes globalErrorAttributes, ApplicationContext applicationContext,
                                          ServerCodecConfigurer serverCodecConfigurer) {
        super(globalErrorAttributes, new WebProperties.Resources(), applicationContext);

  protected RouterFunction<ServerResponse> getRoutingFunction( ErrorAttributes errorAttributes) {
    return RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicates.all(), this::renderErrorResponse);

  private Mono<ServerResponse> renderErrorResponse(ServerRequest request) {

    Map<String, Object> errorPropertiesMap = getErrorAttributes(request, ErrorAttributeOptions.defaults());
    int statusCode = Integer.parseInt(errorPropertiesMap.get(ErrorAttributesKey.CODE.getKey()) .toString());
    return ServerResponse.status(HttpStatus.valueOf(statusCode))

11 Mayıs 2022 Çarşamba

SpringCache Caffeine

Açıklaması şöyle
The spring boot automatically configures the CaffeineCacheManager if Caffeine is found in the classpath.
Şu satırı dahil ederiz
Bir örnek burada