Açıklaması şöyle. Yani bu sınıfı istersek TestRestTemplate template = new TestRestTemplate(); şeklinde veya @Autowired şeklinde kullanabiliriz. Bu sınıf gerçek bir servlet ortamında çalışır.
TestRestTemplate can be instantiated directly in your integration tests ...Alternatively, if you use the @SpringBootTest annotation with WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT or WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT, you can inject a fully configured TestRestTemplate and start using it. If necessary, additional customizations can be applied through the RestTemplateBuilder bean. Any URLs that do not specify a host and port automatically connect to the embedded server
Kodu şöyle
public class TestRestTemplate {
private final RestTemplateBuilder builder;
private final HttpClientOption[] httpClientOptions;
private final RestTemplate restTemplate;
constructor - username + password
Açıklaması şöyle.
You can get a vanilla template or one that sends Basic HTTP authentication (with a username and password).
Şöyle yaparız
TestRestTemplate restTemplate = new TestRestTemplate("admin", "password", null);
getForObject metodu
ÖrnekŞöyle yaparız
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class)@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)public class MyServerTest {@LocalServerPortprivate int port;@Autowiredprivate TestRestTemplate restTemplate;@Testpublic void testFooGet() throws IOException, InterruptedException {assertTrue(this.restTemplate.getForObject("http:localhost" + port +
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