Şu satırı dahil ederiz
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Örnek - Parametre Alan
Şu satırı dahil ederiz
import org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.annotation.ReadOperation;
Açıklaması şöyleAny methods annotated with @ReadOperation, @WriteOperation, or @DeleteOperation are automatically exposed over JMX and HTTP. Even you can expose technology-specific endpoint by using @JmxEndpoint or @WebEndpoint.Örnek
Şöyle yaparız
import org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.annotation.ReadOperation;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.annotation.Endpoint(id = "say-hello")
public class Endpoint {
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello World";
Örnek - Map Dönen Custom Endpoint
Şöyle yaparız
@Endpoint(id = "custom") @Component public class CustomEndpoint { @ReadOperation public Map<String, String> customEndpoint() { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("k1", "v1"); map.put("k2", "v2"); return map; } }
Şöyle yaparız
public String helloName(String name) {
return "Hello " + name;
Çağırmak için şöyle yaparız> curl 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/helloworld?name=Jamie'
Hello Jamie
Örnek - Path VariableAçıklaması şöyle
A @ReadOperation method that takes a single argument which is annotated with @Selector.
@Selector annotation maps to path variables.
Şöyle yaparız
public String helloNameSelector(@Selector String name) {
return "Hello " + name;
Çağırmak için şöyle yaparız
> curl 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/helloworld/Alex'
Hello Alex
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