27 Eylül 2021 Pazartesi

SpringCloud Netflix Eureka Kullanımı

Eureka iki kısımdan oluşur
1. Sunucu
2. İstemci

Eureka Sunucusu
Eureka kullanabilmek için bir tane Eureka sunucusu başlatmak gerekir. Bunun için @EnableEurekaServer anotasyonu kullanılır

Eureka İstemcisi
İstemcilerin bu sunucuyu kullanabilmesi için @EnableEurekaClient anotasyonu kullanılır.  Bu anotasyon aslında mecburi değil. Açıklaması şöyle
Then we need to annotate a @Configuration with either @EnableDiscoveryClient or @EnableEurekaClient – note that this annotation is optional if we have the spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client dependency on the classpath.
Health Monitoring
Kullanılabilecek iki tane yöntem var. Açıklaması şöyle
Learnt Monitoring for the approach where servers send keep-alive requests to clients in order to learn whether they are healthy; 
Taught Monitoring for the approach where clients send heartbeats to servers in order to educate the server on their health status.
Eureka'ya kayıtlı istemci durumunu heartbeat mesajı ile kendisi bildirir. Yani Eurekea Taught Monitoring yöntemini kullanır. 

Eurekea sunucusu ile istemciyi kontrol etmez ama Learnt Monitoring için gerekli URL'yi sağlar. Şeklen şöyle

Heartbeat URL
Eureka sunucusu heartbeat için şu URL'yi dinler
PUT /eureka/apps/{app-id}/{instance-id}?status={status}
Açıklaması şöyle
I’ve omitted a few other query parameters for clarity. {instance-id} takes the form of hostname:app-id:port where it identifies a unique Eureka client instance. Eureka server recognizes a few statuses — UP, DOWN, STARTING, OUT_OF_SERVICE and UNKNOWN.
Örnek bir hearbeat şöyle
PUT /eureka/apps/ORDER-SERVICE/localhost:order-service:8886?status=UP
Açıklaması şöyle. Yani istemci henüz Eureka sunucusuna kayıt olmadıysa, 404 gönderilir ve heartbeat mesajı kabul edilmez. Önce kayıt olması istenir
Upon receiving a heartbeat request from a client instance, Eureka server renews the lease of that instance. If it’s the very first heartbeat from a given client, Eureka server responds with a 404 and right after that the client will send a registration request.
Sorgulama URL'si
Sorgulama için URL şöyle
PUT    /eureka/apps/{app-id}/
Şöyle yaparız
GET /eureka/apps/ORDER-SERVICE
Cevap'taki alanlar için açıklama şöyle
The response has three important health-related information — status, overriddenstatus and healthCheckUrl.

status is the health status as published by the Eureka instance itself.

overriddenstatus is the enforced health status manually or by tools. The PUT /eureka/apps/{app-id}/instance-id}/status?value={status} operation is used to override the status published by Eureka instance and once invoked both status will also be changed to the overriddenstatus.

healthCheckUrl is the endpoint which the client exposes to GET its health status
Örnek - Ribbon
Bu bilgiyi sorgulayan ve kullanan Ribbon için açıklama şöyle
This information can be leveraged by tools for various purposes.

Client-side load balancers like Ribbon to make load balancing decisions
Ribbon reads the status attribute and considers only the instances with UP status for load balancing. Ribbon, however, does not invoke the healthCheckUrl but relies on published instance status available in the registry.
Şeklen şöyle

Örnek - Asgard
Bu bilgiyi sorgulayan ve kullanan Asgard için açıklama şöyle
Deployment tools like Asgard to make deployment decisions
During rolling deployments, Asgard first deploys one instance of the new version of a microservice and waits till that instance is transitioned to UP status - before deploying rest of the instances (as a risk mitigation strategy). However, rather than relying on instance status available in the Eureka server registry (i.e. the status attribute), Asgard learns instance status by invoking its healthCheckUrl. It could be because the value of status attribute can be stale (since it’s dependent on a few factors as described in the next section) but live health status is important in this case in order to avoid deployment delays.
Şeklen şöyle

Accuracy of health status
Açıklaması şöyle. Yani Eureka her zaman en son sonucu vermeyebilir. Biraz gecikme olabilir.
The Eureka server registry (hence the health status) is not always accurate due to the following reasons.

Eureka is a highly available system in terms of CAP theorem, the information in the registry may not be consistent between Eureka servers in the cluster — during a network partition.

Server response cache
Eureka servers maintain a response cache which is updated in every 30 seconds by default. Therefore an instance which is actually DOWN may appear to be UP in the GET /eureka/apps/{app-id}/ response.

Scheduled heartbeats
Since the Eureka clients send heartbeats in every 30 seconds by default, health status changes between the heartbeats are not reflected in the Eureka server registry.

Self preservation
Eureka servers stop expiring clients from the registry when they do not receive heartbeats beyond a certain threshold which in turn makes the registry inaccurate.
Therefore the clients should follow proper failover mechanisms to complement this inaccuracy.

Manual İşlem İçin Diğer URL'ler
Bunlar şöyle
PUT    /eureka/apps/{app-id}/{instance-id}/status?value={status}
DELETE /eureka/apps/{app-id}/{instance-id}/status
PUT İle Manual İşlem
Açıklaması şöyle
The overriding operation (i.e. the PUT operation above) is used to take otherwise a healthy instance OUT_OF_SERVICE manually or by administration tools such as Asgard, in order to temporarily disallow traffic to some instance.
Örnek şöyle yaparız
PUT /eureka/apps/ORDER-SERVICE/localhost:order-service:8886/status?value=OUT_OF_SERVICE
Açıklaması şöyle
This will be useful for red black deployments where you run older and newer versions of a microservice for some period of time (in order to easily rollback to an older version if the new version is unstable). Once the deployment of the new version is completed and the new version has started serving requests, instances of the older version can be taken OUT_OF_SERVICE (without bringing them down) so that they will just stop serving requests.
DELETE İle Manual İşlem
Şöyle yaparız
DELETE /eureka/apps/ORDER-SERVICE/localhost:order-service:8886/status
HealthCheckHandler Arayüzü
Açıklaması şöyle
Eureka clients (or servers) never invoke the /health endpoint to determine the health status of an instance. Health status of a Eureka instance is determined by a HealthCheckHandler implementation. The default HealthCheckHandler always announces that the application is in UP state as long as the application is running.

Eureka allows custom HealthCheckHandlers to be plugged-in through the EurekaClient#registerHealthCheck() API. Spring Cloud leverages this extension point to register a new handler, EurekaHealthCheckHandler, if the following property is set.

Açıklaması şöyle
The EurekaHealthCheckHandler works by aggregating health status from multiple health indicators such as;

- DiskSpaceHealthIndicator
- RefreshScopeHealthIndicator
- HystrixHealthIndicator

and mapping the aggregated status into one of Eureka supported statuses. This status will then be propagated to Eureka server through heartbeats.
eureka.instance.health-check-url Alanı
Spring sayfasındaki açıklama şöyle
Gets the absolute health check page URL for this instance. The users can provide the healthCheckUrlPath if the health check page resides in the same instance talking to eureka, else in the cases where the instance is a proxy for some other server, users can provide the full URL. If the full URL is provided it takes precedence.
Daha anlaşılır bir açıklama şöyle. Yani Eureka istemcisi, sunucuya kayıt olurken bir URL vermek zorunda. Bu URL'nin ne olacağına health-check-url ve health-check-url-path alanlarına bakarak karakr veriyor. Eğer bu alanlara değer vermezsek /health kullanılıyor. 
Eureka clients POST a healthCheckUrl in the payload when they are registering themselves with the server. The value of the healthCheckUrl is calculated from the following instance


The default value of the health-check-url-path is /health which is the spring-boot’s default health actuator endpoint that will be ignored if a heath-check-url property is set.
Örnek - custom path
Şöyle yaparız

# configure either a relative path

# or an absolute path
Örnek - custom path
Şöyle yaparız

# configure either a relative path

# or an absolute path

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