multipart/form-data cevapları okuyabilmemizi sağlar. Açıklaması şöyleIt reads the "multipart/form-data" requests to a stream of Parts
content metodu
Şöyle yaparız. Burada block() metodu kullanıldığı için setStreaming(false) yapılıyor
final var partReader = new DefaultPartHttpMessageReader();partReader.setStreaming(false);WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder().build();ResponseEntity<Flux<Part>> request = webClient.get().uri("...").accept(MediaType.MULTIPART_MIXED).retrieve().toEntityFlux((inputMessage, context) ->[].class), inputMessage, Map.of())).block();byte[] image = null;List<Part> parts = request.getBody().collectList().block();for (Part part : parts) {// access individual parts hereSystem.out.println(part.headers());if (part.headers().get("Content-Type").get(0).equals("image/jpeg")) {image = DataBufferUtils.join(part.content()).map(dataBuffer -> {byte[] bytes = new byte[dataBuffer.readableByteCount()];;DataBufferUtils.release(dataBuffer);return bytes;}).block();}}return image;
Açıklaması şöyle
part.headers() will give you the headers and part.content() will give you the actual content in DataBuffer format.
We iterate the list of parts, and determine which one is an image by peeking into the headers. Once we get that, we use the DataBufferUtils , a helper class to convert the buffer into byte array format.
And that’s it, extracting images/files from multipart data is now a walk in the park thanks to Spring Flux !
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