Kod şöyle olsun
@Componentpublic class MyScheduler {private final MyService myService;@Scheduled(fixedDelayString = "${app.scheduler.delay-ms}")public void run() {myService.call();}}
Şöyle yaparız
@ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)@SpringBootTest( classes = { MyApplication.class, MySchedulerIntegrationTest.MySchedulerTestConfig.class }, properties = { "app.scheduler.delay-ms=200" }) @ActiveProfiles("local") class MySchedulerIntegrationTest { // Dependency injected into scheduler, we mock it to verify is being called. @MockBean private MyService myService; @Test void shouldStartScheduler() { await().atMost(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .untilAsserted(() -> { verify(myService, times(2)).call(); }); } @Configuration static class MySchedulerTestConfig { // If you need to mock anything in your context, add here using @MockBean. } }
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