DefaultErrorHandler kullanırken acknowledgement mode ne olmalı emin değilim. Sanırım auto kullanılsa da olur. Buradaki örnekte acknowledgement mode manual yapılıyor gerçi. Açıklaması şöyle
The default behavior is attempting to consume one message at most 10 times, then consume the next message and print an error log if it still fails.
Çıktısı şöyle
2023-06-03T08:57:16.573Z ERROR [order-query-side,,] 1 --- [org.springframework.kafka.KafkaListenerEndpointContainer#0-0-C-1] o.s.kafka.listener.DefaultErrorHandler : Backoff FixedBackOff {interval=0, currentAttempts=10, maxAttempts=9} exhausted for ORDER-0@0
Açıklaması şöyle
Blocking RetryBefore we send the fail-processed message to the retry topic, we might want to retry a couple of times to save some network round trip. There are plenty of ways to change the default behavior likes:1. provide your own @Bean of KafkaListenerErrorHandler2. provide your own @Bean of DefaultErrorHandlerwith different ConsumerRecordRecoverer (instead of just printing error logs) and different BackOff settings to customize attempts and retry intervals.
addNotRetryableExceptions metodu
ÖrnekŞöyle yaparız
@Configuration@Slf4jpublic class KafkaConfiguration {@Beanpublic DefaultErrorHandler errorHandler() {BackOff fixedBackOff = new FixedBackOff(5000, 3);DefaultErrorHandler errorHandler = new DefaultErrorHandler( (consumerRecord, exception) -> {log.error("Couldn't process message: {}; {}", consumerRecord.value().toString(), exception.toString());}, fixedBackOff);errorHandler.addNotRetryableExceptions(NullPointerException.class);return errorHandler;}}
Açıklaması şöyle
Here we have specified that in case of an error, we will do retries (maximum three times) at intervals of five seconds. But if we have an NPE, we won't do iterations in that case but just write a message to the log and skip the message.
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