31 Temmuz 2023 Pazartesi

SpringIntegration Redis @RedisLockable Anotasyonu

Kilidi kodla bırakmak için SpringIntegration Redis RedisLockRegistry Sınıfı yazısına bakabilirsiniz

Şu satırı dahil ederiz
application.properties şöyle olsun
public class AppConfig {

  public RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
    return new JedisConnectionFactory();

public class MyService {

  @RedisLockable(key = "my-lock-key", leaseTime = 60_000, waitTime = 5_000)
  public void doSomethingWithLock() throws InterruptedException {
    // Do something with the lock
Şöyle yaparız
public class AppConfig {

  public RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
    return new JedisConnectionFactory();

public class MyService {

  @RedisLockable(key = "my-lock-key", leaseTime = 60_000, waitTime = 5_000)
  public void doSomethingWithLock() throws InterruptedException {
    // Do something with the lock
Açıklaması şöyle
In this example, we annotate the doSomethingWithLock method with the @RedisLockable annotation, which specifies the key to use for the lock, the lease time (in milliseconds), and the wait time (in milliseconds). The lease time determines how long the lock should be held before it is automatically released, while the wait time determines how long the method should wait to acquire the lock before giving up and throwing an exception.

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